Many long years ago, a powerful king was in want of a worthy heir to honor his legacy. Even though he did not spare any expense in bring the best doctors to aid in this matter, his beloved wife did not bear him any children. This changed a few years later, when she bore him a healthy young girl who spent most of her time shadowing her father and learning of things well-beyond her years. The young princess was also an avid rider who owned a stable of horses, her favorite of which was a purebred mare. One day, as the king was attending a private meeting, a distressed guard brought him the terrible news that she fell off the horse during a harsh training course, which left her injured and immobile. Falling deeper and deeper into despair, the king would routinely invite the greatest physicians in the world to help his daughter walk again, to no avail.



Once upon a time in the old country, a king known to his people  as just  and benevolent, faced what seemed an insurmountable difficulty. His only daughter, beautiful and intelligent beyond her years, was in want of a husband. The king decreed that every man with a home and a trade shall visit his castle and present himself to the princess. After many months of eligible men showcasing themselves to her, a young farmer entered the maiden’s hall only to be greeted with scoffs and looks of wonderment at the state of his attire. Upon crossing the great hall and arriving in front of the princess, he placed an old, dirty stone at her feet. He then bowed to the princess, and with an enigmatic smile, left the hall without looking at anyone–to the surprise and amazement of the princess and everyone present.



Many lifetimes ago, a small kingdom famous for its abundant agriculture and long rivers, was ruled by a wise king. The kingdom’s majestic mountains shielded it from foreign enemies., and this geography, coupled with the king’s just policies, allowed its citizens to thrive and prosper. One day, an obviously fraught gaggle of the kingdom’s senators brought him the terrible news that a massive army of locusts was spreading across neighboring lands and would be taking a week at the most to visit theirs. The senators were of the opinion that a distress call should be sent for the people to harvest what they can before the locusts turn their lands arid and lifeless.



It was a dark day in the king’s life when he received the news that the latest economic depression that had caused his late father great grief before his death had also depleted most of the kingdom’s treasury. Unable to find a solution to this crisis, the young king summoned all the other neighboring kings to a meeting of the highest order council. On the day of the meeting, after all the royal processions were finally over and the king was about to give his welcome address, he was rudely interrupted by the eldest of the visiting kings, who was graciously given the floor by the young host.



Centuries ago, an old kingdom was facing a national crisis. The drought had already destroyed what was left of the crops, and as all of the reserves were close to depletion, the country was on the verge of a famine. The king gathered his most trusted advisors for a meeting at which they all expressed their defeat, save for an old council member who asked for a private audience with the king. The old man then proceeded to him to seek the counsel of an old couple who live atop the kingdom’s largest mountain and are known to the local villagers for their piety and wisdom



t was a dark time in the history of two ancient kingdoms, one known as the Land of the Sun, and one as the Land of the Moon. Separated by a roaring river that was as old as the Earth itself, the two realms have been engaged in an incessant war of attrition that left both of them yearning for peace. The king of the Land of the Sun, seeing the futility of further war, offered a truce, which the king of the Land of the Moon readily accepted. Hoping to consolidate this newfound peace, the Sun king offered his only daughter, the kingdom’s shining princess, in marriage to the Moon king’s only son, an offer that the Moon prince reluctantly accepted.



It is told that many years ago, an old king, still of sound mind and body, decided to transfer his rule to his only son. Known among the people as an intelligent and kind young man, the prince proved a worthy heir and a wise choice, especially after helping his father rejuvenate the country after a decade-old war. To celebrate the prince’s enthronement, the king decided to organize a memorable hunting expedition despite the protests of the prince, who vehemently objected to the hunting of animals for the morbid pleasure of men.



As soon as the prince received the letter and saw on it his Queen mother’s seal, he already knew that his father’s health had severely deteriorated. Refusing to despair, he decided to make the usual six-day journey in four. The trouble with that plan was that taking the shorter route meant that the prince had to cross a narrow swath of land ruled by one his father’s bitter enemies and rife with bandits and spies. Before embarking on his journey, he dispatched his loyal servant and companion on the usual route with a letter detailing his journey, in case of any delays or troubles that may befall him. On the second night, though traveling cautiously, the prince’s unfamiliar face in an otherwise busy tavern caught the eye of a seasoned spy, who promptly arrested him and imprisoned him in a nearby fortress. Meanwhile, the dying king, who was prone to sudden bouts of delirium punctuated by long stretches of sleep, grew weaker by the hour. That night, the king dreamt of his son flying above the clouds, and then suddenly falling to the ground before he is rescued by a black boat that flew in and swooped him away right before impact. The king awoke from the dream alarmed and unable to contain his patience any longer. In the presence of his queen, he instructed eleven of his bravest kingsguards to track down the prince and bring him home.



It was a dark day in the king’s life when he got the news that the last economic depression that had caused his late father a great deal of grief before his death, had also depleted most of the kingdom’s treasury. Unable to find a solution for this crisis, the young king summoned all the other neighboring kings to a council meeting of the highest order. The day of the meeting, after all the royal processions were finally concluded and the king was about to give his welcoming speech, he was rudely interrupted by the oldest of the visiting kings, who was gracefully given the floor by the young host.



It is told that once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, a king was trying to recover from the death of his queen. His only son the prince would sleep for most of the day after a long night of drink and merriment, only to wake up during the afternoon and join his friends, all children of wealthy landowners, on his daily adventure of wreaking havoc on his countrymen. People would avoid them at all costs, as they had a fierce reputation for bullying and humiliating people, especially the poor farmers laboriously working the fields.



Centuries past in the old country, a king reigning in a time of turmoil and strife, was struggling to protect his country. The enemy had already attacked the border cities, and it was only a matter of days before their monstrous fleet would sack the capital of the small coastal country by way of the sea. The king would seek the counsel of his kingdom’s wise men, who would unanimously advise him to make preparations for the people to escape into the mountains. One morning, as the king walked to the royal hall for an early start of the day, he found a young guard no older than twenty sprawled on a small chair at the entrance, fast asleep and snoring loudly. The king stamped his foot and awakened the guard, who in sheer horror, sprung to his feet and dispensed the royal salute to his unimpressed king…..